Bethel Baptist Church

Patrick Norris

Inspirational Poem's

Daily Revival

How does one keep their Christian life fresh?

Daily focus on three vital concepts you need,

in our continual battle against the old flesh.

They will strengthen and bolster indeed.


The first is the bedrock of our trust.

God is the one who always brings us rest,

He is in control, to His perfect will adjust.

Hindsight will always to this attest.


The next is conviction, your jaw set.

"I will not be moved!" away from God.

Like the three in the furnace did not forget.

Though everyone thought them very odd.


The last one is confidence, the final step,

Trust and conviction bear this fruit.

Daniel models this in the lion’s den prep,

He held to his course, though danger acute.


But that is not the end my friend!

All three together offer the prize,

to joy in life, you will certainly ascend.

Trust, conviction, and confidence arise!



A New Day

The joy of a brand-new day,

With my Savior as my stay.

Together, I can love freely,

Those I meet today ideally.

But first begin with prayer,

His presence in life aware.

Expressing my love of Him,

My heart filled to the brim.

God speaks by His Word,

Instructions to be heard.

Ready now to seize today,

As a Christian life display.